Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invasion by Poppi/MeMa
Body Snatchers meaning they took over our kids - YEA!!  Given the amount of stuff that went on, I will attempt to keep the verbiage minimal.
Poppi MeMa arrived Monday May 21.

Tues May 22
Jump right into Grandparent role.  MeMa stayed home with Yannick while Poppi, Wyatt and I went to go have lunch at Z's school.  Lunch being at 10:30am for the Kindergartners, Wyatt got to eat his snack.
Zachary is in the red shirt w/ the baseball on the far left.  Wyatt is wearing a red jacket on the far bottom right.  Z is sitting next to his bestie, David.

Back home for lunch and playing. Joanna was planning on joining us in the afternoon, but not sure what time. I had an outing planned, but it didn't go off without a hitch.  We wanted to go to NWern to feed the ducks and the fish (which who loves more, Poppi or the boys??) and while there take advantage of their "Friday Crepe Happy Hour" and get a Nutella Crepe for $1.25.  But we got to the lake late (around 5pm), after picking Joanna up as she walked from the El stop towards our house.  But the feeding of the ducks/fish was fun as always, though Yannick kept eating his bread.  I remember when Wyatt would do that with bread or raisins.  Then Poppi and Joanna take the big boys back to the house while MeMa and I go to Dengeos to get dinner.  King Lab was having a fundraiser where Dengeos will give 20% of your order total to King Lab if you give them the paperwork.  We had never eaten there, but it sounded pretty good.  There were a few Gyros ordered, a few Greek salads.  Joanna stayed and had dinner with us.
Aunt Juicenana reading to the big boys

Wed May 23 - stuff happened that I don't remember.  Except I DO remember that the grandparents babysat for me so I could go get my eyes checked.  I knew they were getting worse since having had Yannick (EVERYTHING swells during pregnancy, and some stuff doesn't go back, like sometimes eyes), and I suspected that I would need to start wearing glasses full time.  Sure enough, my eyesight has changed quite a bit in one eye, and a little in another eye.  I defin need new glasses.  I asked the Dr. if this was the type of prescription that meant I needed to wear them every day all day.  He said about 50% of the people w/ my prescription would.  So I think I won't.  So there.

Thurs May 24 gets its own blog entry: Zachary's kindergarten picnic and performance.

In fact, oddly, I have decided to give the rest of the events their own entries as well, which will make it easier to search for them later.
To be continued....

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