Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Zachary Kindergarten Picnic & End of Year Show

Today Zachary had a special end-of-year show for Kindergarten. Poppi and MeMa were here during this time.  Zach had a picnic with his class then back to the school auditorium for their presentation.  Lucky for us, Joanna (aunt Juicenana) was able to join us.

We stopped by Subway and grabbed lunch to take with us to the picnic, not knowing if the kids would eat lunch there or not. We met at Zach's class to "assist" all the classes to the park.  I did not know the park they were talking about, and it turned out to be pretty far away.  We walked them out the school, then crossed Demptster, then walked all the way to the playground through some HORRENDOUS pollen spores.  So awful.  I don't know if I have ever seen anything that bad.  It was difficult to even walk through.   Turned out that the kindergartners had already eaten, so we (me, Wy, Nick, Poppi, MeMa, and Joanna) found a table a little out of the way and had our lunch while Z's class, plus the two others, played.  Then we played and watched all the kids.  The teachers passed out Popsicles to the kids, and Wyatt was granted one.  Yannick spent most of the time walking across a bridge and putting his sunglasses on and off.  Special thanks to Aunt Juicenana who was happy to oblige his sunglasses obsession.
Entire Kindergarten (3 classes) Zachary back row, far right with a stick, leaning on the grass

 Then long trek back to the school where the families went to the auditorium and the kids back to their classes to prepare for the show.  We were not sure what it would be besides singing.  Turned out they all sang songs they learned during their weekly music class.  Art was able to leave work to come watch the show with us.

Zachary in the purple shirt behind his friend David in orange

Zachary in the middle singing

The three Kindergarten classes.  Z's head is in the middle row, middle, to the right of the girl in the pink shirt, and above the girl with the white shirt.  He was not so into all the singing really.  But he did participate some.

video of Kindergarten class singing

After the performance, all the kids came down to sit with their parents to watch a slideshow of pictures taken of the kids throughout the year.  They said they would send home a copy of the picture slideshow at the end of the year.  Here we all are watching the performance:

Quite the audience to support Zachary!

Little guy doing some good clapping - a favorite past time at the moment

Best audience ever!

Afterwards, Art had to go back home, and we collected Zach and brought him home.

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