Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Typical Saturday

Try to sleep as late as possible
Eat "fun" breakfast of pancakes, or biscuits or muffins, bacon, eggs, etc (not cereal)
Yannick morning nap
**atypical moment:  Go to "adoption fund" garage sale at Mangrich's.  We score 2 giant super soakers (wedding presents for Ben and Steph), 2 Xbox games (which we later found out do not work on our Euro Xbox), a soccer ball for Art
Visit Ms. Beanie
Yannick with Ms. Beanie in the swing

Go home for lunch and naps
Play outside at park
Play inside
Eat dinner
Clean up dinner
Get ready for bed

Finally warm enough for the boys to sport their FULL new jammie outfit they got for their bdays from Aunt Joy.  Always such great smiley boys. :)

Read bible stories
Hallelujah kids in bed
Party like it's 1999

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