Told you Dexter was evil!

Poppi took this picture of Dexter, asleep in the stroller, with his blackberry. The results were nothing we expected! So scary!
Labels: Dexter
Labels: Dexter
Dexter is forever trying to get into boxes that are much too small for him. He still thinks he is a tiny kitten. Generally we just laugh at him. This time however, he got the last laugh. He was trying to get in the box and we kept saying "no way Dex, you'll never fit". He showed us. No matter that the box is bowing out...he did fit. Must not have been too comfortable though, since he never got back in there. Proving a point. Point Dexter. Still, he can be super cute when he isn't biting me.
Labels: Dexter
One of Zach's favorite things to say is "Wyatt tries to do everything I do". This is usually followed by "except go potty, only I do this".
Labels: Wyatt
There is generally a sizable gap between when we get up and when we eat breakfast, depending of course on when the boys decide to wake up. We generally hang out in the front room for about 30 minutes while Art and I try to wake up.
Labels: Zach und Wyatt
At his school, Zach gets a locker. He has to share it with a boy who goes on M.W.F, so they are not there at the same time. In his locker stays a ziploc bag w/ extra clothes, underwear, and socks. On the days he has to take his backpack (packpack in Zach speak) to school, he hangs it in his locker. He really only needs to take it on Tuesdays so far b/c of swimming - he needs to take his change of clothes in his backpack. He is very proud of his locker. Zach is in the Ladybug class, which is why his name is on a ladybug. The picture is one that Annemieke took when visiting over 4th of July.
Labels: Zach
Wyatt has finally consented to use the (sort of) sign language for "Please", and has also started verbalizing it as "peash". He learned this one afternoon when begging for jellybeans. I basically said he could not have one until he signed "please". We have been trying to get him to sign it for months, and now, due to the power of the jellybean, he not only signs it, but says it, for a double whammy of cuteness!
Labels: Zach und Wyatt
Haircut time. I meant to do it before Zach started preschool, but hey, better late than never. Scene set up: Zach is sitting in the Ikea highchair, watching a Backyardigans video (Thanks tante Sassy!) that he adores. We've got stuff wrapped around him in an effort to keep hair off his clothes and body. He has a gummy worm in each hand, and is fed them one after another in an attempt to keep him from whining/crying/complaining. Must work. This is the first haircut he has had since he said goodbye to his best pal the pacifier. We did not expect great things, but really, he did quite well. Almost no crying, and only a bit of whining. He does not like it when the scissors touch his skin. Here is the finished product in a variety of poses...
Labels: Zach
Oh my, this is happening too quickly! How could Zach have gotten so big so fast? Zachary has been very excited to go to school. He has been asking us for about 6 days "is it Tuesday yet?". He has also wanted to know if he got to ride the bus to school, and I said, "not yet, when you are older" to which he replied "like when I'm 5?". :)
Labels: Zach
Background: Earlier in the spring, Art and I spent a good deal of time discussing whether or not we should send Zachary to preschool. We are not worried about him learning "things", as he has a great desire to learn and teaching him at home is easy. He loves knowing his letters and numbers and is already trying to write. Often, he will help me "write" my grocery list. He'll say "ok, we need bananas", then write a little squiggle. Then milk, etc. However, his aptitude for learning aside, he does have a bit of a problem with socialization. He is just fine with a very small group of kids, and plays just fine. Big groups terrify him though. When we go to storytime at the library, he does not participate in the singing, dancing, etc. He will not shout out answers like the other kids. Same happens at large group activities at church. So we looked into preschool. We did not want anything too intense, but just 2 mornings a week for a few hours each. Much much much research. We came to the conclusion that we just could not afford it yet, and we could revisit it when he is 4. After all, 3 is still young. THEN, we had an unexpected monetary windfall this summer. When discussing what we should do with the extra cash, both Art and I decided on preschool. Much much much research and contacting schools ensued. The majority of places were still out of control expensive (WHO pays $3000 - $8000 for preschool??). One place, a Montessori school, has 5-day programs only and charges $13,000 a year - with no scholarships until kindergarten. Needless to say, their brochure went into the trash. After much research, we settled onto the YMCA preschool program: We had heard good things about it from other parents. I went to the parent orientation to check it out and see his classroom and such b/f deciding for sure. What I like about YMCA preschool:
Labels: Family Stuff, Zach