Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Zachary's First Day of School

Oh my, this is happening too quickly! How could Zach have gotten so big so fast? Zachary has been very excited to go to school. He has been asking us for about 6 days "is it Tuesday yet?". He has also wanted to know if he got to ride the bus to school, and I said, "not yet, when you are older" to which he replied "like when I'm 5?". :)
So I did EVERYTHING last minute to get ready for his school. I had purchased his backpack (packpack as Zach says) last week, but didn't do anything else b/c we had the Dejongs here visiting us over Labor Day weekend. So last night I had to hustle to get his notebook (for the teacher to journal about him), and his binder (for all his work), and he pictures (for his locker, and the family board) together. Went to bed after 11pm. They give him snack at school, so I didn't have to do that thankfully.

He was VERY excited today, and we got ready very fast.

Here is Zach with his backpack (packpack) and posing (not well) before school

Yes, I am aware that Zach is in DESPERATE need of a haircut. I meant to b/f school started, but time got away from us. Hopefully soon. Not too much - it will still be long, but he should not be a ragamuffin!

Here is an attempt at the pictures of the boys. Wyatt was quite non-cooperative.

Here is Zach, showing his school bus for going to school.

Then we were out the door at 8:30 - very early, so unlike us! We had to stop by Walgreens so we could get the pictures I had printed there. Zach gets one for his locker, one of the family for the family board, and one for something else. Off to school. We were the first family there. The teachers were not ready, so Zach stood outside the classroom and looked into the windows while the teachers got ready. Wyatt was all over the places, trying to go into other classrooms, checking everything out. We ran into Art's coworker who was dropping his 2yr old son off for his first day too.

Zach and Wyatt watching the teachers through the window

Playing at the car corner (sure to be a fav for Zach!)

Zach at his chosen morning activity - magnet table

There are 3 tables set up in the morning with different activities for them to choose as their morning activity. Today's were coloring w/ crayons, working on puzzles, or the magnet table.

Another hug goodbye w/ the promise that I will be back in a few hours, and we were off. Art off to work with a coworker, and Wyatt and I back home. Only a few tears shed (from me not Zach)!

Wyatt, after his morning nap, was pretty confused as to where Zach was. He looked for him in the front room, then came into their bedroom, and pointed at Zach's bed. Pretty cute.

Picking Zach up from preschool was a bit of a letdown. We picked up Art from work and we all had lunch together, at home, to commerate Zach's first day, and so we could both hear about his first day. As you can imagine, a 3 year old is not GREAT at telling you everything that happened. But here are some things I was able to get out of him:
~ I asked if he sang any songs, and Zach said "yes, one where you put your fingers in the air and sing about our friends". I asked if he remembered the words and he said "no, not really. It is a tricky song".
~ I asked if the teachers were all nice to him. He said "yes, the teachers and everybody was very nice" I asked if he was nice to the other kids and he replied "Ummm, not really". I asked why not, and he said "well, I was cleaning up the cars, and they took some and tried to hide them, but I found them"
~ I asked what they had for snack and he said "apples and juice, but I did not drink the juice because I was not thirsty"
~ He said he went potty 3 times.
~ I asked if he climbed up the big tower: "well, yes, but I used the stairs"
~ He said that he did not cry, but that he DID get a little bit saddy because he thought I just left him there.
~ I asked if he was excited to go to school on Thursday: "Yes, but I want to go on Friday".

That is about everything we got out of him about school. Sad thing is that we have no idea what really went on, but I guess we'd better get used to it. The teachers did not write in his journal today - they are still getting everything situated. It was the first day of school for them too since yesterday was a holiday.

I am certain more adventures will be forthcoming.



Blogger storm said...

Congrats Zac! what fun school is!

9:21 AM  

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