Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

More of Zach's School Stuff

At his school, Zach gets a locker. He has to share it with a boy who goes on M.W.F, so they are not there at the same time. In his locker stays a ziploc bag w/ extra clothes, underwear, and socks. On the days he has to take his backpack (packpack in Zach speak) to school, he hangs it in his locker. He really only needs to take it on Tuesdays so far b/c of swimming - he needs to take his change of clothes in his backpack. He is very proud of his locker. Zach is in the Ladybug class, which is why his name is on a ladybug. The picture is one that Annemieke took when visiting over 4th of July.



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