Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Anatomy of a haircut

Haircut time. I meant to do it before Zach started preschool, but hey, better late than never. Scene set up: Zach is sitting in the Ikea highchair, watching a Backyardigans video (Thanks tante Sassy!) that he adores. We've got stuff wrapped around him in an effort to keep hair off his clothes and body. He has a gummy worm in each hand, and is fed them one after another in an attempt to keep him from whining/crying/complaining. Must work. This is the first haircut he has had since he said goodbye to his best pal the pacifier. We did not expect great things, but really, he did quite well. Almost no crying, and only a bit of whining. He does not like it when the scissors touch his skin. Here is the finished product in a variety of poses...

Zach cooperating with a smile

Zachary ignoring me so he can keep watching his video

Zach whining "no more mommy, I want to watch my VIDEO"

Back of the head shot

Whining "I SAID Cheesy-wheesy, I don't want to say it ANY MORE"

Refusing to smile nicely

Zach's response after I showed him the pictures I took while he was "acting ugly". Apparently very funny.



Blogger Bethany Headley said...

I love it! The straight bang bowl haircut is so classically little boy. Joaquin is very cooperative for haircuts b/c we always tell him how handsome he is going to look, but somehow he still always comes out crooked.

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the hair cut. Samson said wow he looks much older than the last time we saw his photos. He is a big boy now! Zebi is right here trying to read as fast as I type.

11:26 AM  

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