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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Told you Dexter was evil!

Poppi took this picture of Dexter, asleep in the stroller, with his blackberry. The results were nothing we expected! So scary!



Anonymous Meg said...

Ahhhh! That's creepy! I've seen weird pictures, but that was the WIERDEST.
And goodness, I've been rather absent recently. We've been traveling and now getting ready for a two-week vacation in Bavaria, so I'm not on the computer much. Miss you guys, and wish you could see the InsideOut room! After Jenna left, it sat there getting dirtier and dirtier. There were cobwebs on every inch of the wall, dust and grime in every corner, and even nutella and honey from when ya'll were here! One friday night, Conni and the Nickels and us teens all came and cleaned everything up. Got rid of the nasty carpet and couch, cleaned off the tables, re-arranged the furniture, and all that good stuff. It looks great now, thanks to Conni. Such a blessing.
Love to all,

4:52 AM  

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