Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

What gets done before breakfast...

There is generally a sizable gap between when we get up and when we eat breakfast, depending of course on when the boys decide to wake up. We generally hang out in the front room for about 30 minutes while Art and I try to wake up.

Here is what happened one morning, just the random things the kids do...first Zach

Zach has on his own, with no help, made a ramp for his cars

Using the car ramp

Sort of letting use the car ramp too

And now Wyatt...

Has discovered that he can get into the box Dexter likes to sleep in

And that he really enjoys being in the box

That darn leg finally makes it into the box. He sits here, content for a good while, then I pull him around by the box's handle for a bit.

Oh yes, and here's a little gem. Zach made these yesterday afternoon. They were so good (branching out from his monolith tower), I saved them for Art to see and took a picture for posterity.

Zach has made a house for each of the animals. Two houses were done and he had brought them to me but then had to take them back to his room b/c they each needed a flower for their house. He's into flowers at the moment, particularly buying flowers for Mommy (not discouraging this!). Each farm animal has a house. Very nicely done I thought. I do feel a bit badly for the cow though - poor thing is about to fall off his own house!



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