Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

ZMC - 4 Months Old!

Zachary had his 4 month appointment this week, and all was good. He is now 15 lbs 7 oz (60th percentile) and 25 inches long (60th percentile). His head is up to 30-40th percentile (it's hard to tell exactly on the growth charts.

He got 3 shots again, just as he was trying so hard to go to sleep. After the nurse was done, Art scooped him up and he stopped screaming immediately, and started whimpering. By the time I had lugged everthing out to the car, Art had gotten Zach to go to sleep.

Our peditrician (who is from the Czech Republic) gave us lots of advice for baby stuff in Europe (like what Tylenol is called). AND, this shocked me, she gave us her home email address in case we have any questions for her before we get a peditrician there. She is so nice, I hate to leave her.

She said no problem waiting to start solid foods until we get there, but that we'll probably want to pretty quickly once there. She said to be prepared for him to not sleep through the night every night (he does now maybe 2x a week) until we start food. The breastmilk just doesn't keep him full.

He did get a little sick w/ the shots, but nowhere near as badly as his 2 month. Last night his fever got to 100.1 before his last dose of Tylenol, but even then, we were still able to get him giggling on the changing pad - what a trooper. This morning his fever was down to 99.1, and by the afternoon he was at a good 98.7.

For those of you that enjoy a good gross story: twice this week he had so much poop in his (disposable) diaper that he ended up having a huge blowout (requiring change of clothes) - big enough that he somehow got poop in his belly button. Sheesh.

Attached are some pictures taken on his 4 month birthday, or close to it. I wanted to finish changing the sheets, and he was unhappy lying in his crib, so I propped him up in the corner of his crib, and he was happy there for about 10 minutes. It is the perfect height for him to sit.


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