Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

9.27.06 - Happy Birthday Dexter!

Dexter is one year old this month, and we 'decided' that today, the 27th, would be his birth date, simply because we adopted him on the 27th (of January). I'm trying to spend extra time with him today and give him lots of treats since it is his birthday.

On a separate note, I talked with the German consulate today (in the US) about Dexter. They gave me the website of the form that needs to be filled out by the vet. They said as long as I have that info, and his shots are up-to-date, then there will be no problems bringing him into the country. I also asked if she had heard of customs performing euthanasia on a pet who's documents weren't in order or something like that (Someone told Art's mom that this sometimes happens). She didn't know what euthanizing meant, and when I explained it, she was horrified. She said, 'no way', they would never kill a pet on the spot, and she's never heard of it even though she gets tons of calls a day about pets into and out of the country. She said it's very routine, bringing pets, and there rarely is an issue.

So, it looks like Dexter is good to go to Dusseldorf with us. We've made his reservation w/ Delta and everything. It costs less for him to fly over ($100) than it does for us to HOLD Zachary (not even his own seat - $262). Sheesh. Maybe we should put Zach in the belly of the plane. :)

This picture of Dexter is very common. The sink is one of his favorite places to sit.


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