Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Z.M.C & Dexter - almost pals!

Just a few stories about Dexter and Zachary. Dex does seem to have affection for Zachary now, not a lot, but some; particularily during two times: when Zach is asleep and when Zach is crying/screaming.

Ocassionally if I'm real tired, I'll put Zach down for his nap in our bed, where he loves to be and generally takes a longer nap, so I can nap at the same time. More often than not, Dexter jumps into bed purring, wanting to be pet (80% of the time waking me from my nap). He squeezes in between us, but had been trying to avoid Zach most of the time. So the first picture is Dexter during a nap cuddle-attack. Recently however, Dexter seems to be a little more affectionate towards Zachary. He ocassionally rubs his head on Zach's arm or head while he's purring. The second picture, though you can't see it very well, is of Dexter grooming Zach on the elbow. I was afraid that would wake Zach up, but he slept right through it. He does pull his arm away from the licking if he's awake though.

As most of you have heard, Dexter will attempt to lick Zach's head, presumably to calm him, when Zach is screaming. Sometimes it works, other times it makes it worse. When it gets worse, Dex then bites us on the feet, as though telling us to make him stop. On Tuesday, I saw Dexter's best attempt to soothe Zachary. Zach was lying in his boppy on the bed and I was playing with him by 'chewing' on his hands (hey, whatever makes him laugh!). I accidentally used my teeth and hurt Zach (no mother of the year awards here) which of course started him screaming. I picked him up and held him to my chest, while leaning backwards in bed up against the headboard. Dexter came over to lick his head but couldn't really reach him, so Dexter puts his paws up on Zach's back, leans forward -laying on Zach -to reach his head. He started licking his head and Zach gave out a tremendous wail that caused Dexter's ears to flatten. But Dexter did try again, and Zachary did calm down some.

Dexter doesn't want much to do with Zach when Zach's awake, but Dex sure does like to check him out while he's asleep. He jumps on his crib (which always makes us sit straight up in bed) to look at him, and will 'check on him' when Zach's napping on the floor or the chair (or in our bed). He's starting to show a little more interest in him while he's awake, but not much. Zachary has started noticing Dexter as well. I'm not sure he knows what to think yet.

We think that Dexter finally sees Zach as part of the family...hopefully.


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