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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

W.A.C. - He's DONE!!

Praise the Lord! Art is done with his dissertation! He completed it on Thursday, but had to make the corrections from his advisor, Dr. Saxena, on Monday, as well as some formatting changes. He stayed at work late on Monday and completed it. It has now been sent to his defense committee for review. WHEW! We are all breathing easier now that the dissertation is out the door and off our (the entire family 'suffered') shoulders. Art is very proud of his work and feels it is a good paper. Now all that is left is to create a presentation for the defense on October 20th. Please continue to pray that his defense will go well.

Now the evenings are to be devoted to packing and family time...much better than hours holed up at the computer. Art can now go to bed at the same time I do. Even Dexter should benefit from Art's being done with the dissertation.


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