Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, September 23, 2006

ZMC - Beach bum

Nothing really to report, just wanted to post this picture of Zach in his 'beach bum' outfit from 9.13.06. It's getting too cold here for him to wear it again...maybe later in the week when it's going to be 75+ degrees.

Zach is loving having his Aunt Staci here to fawn over, and I'm so relieved she's here since Art is out galavanting in the woods w/ 9 other church-friend guys.

Zachary picked up a cold while in DC and Aunt Staci is getting the fun of having drool, spit-up, AND snot all over her clothes. She's ready to do a load of laundry already! :)


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