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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dexter - still a destroyer

Art thinks this is very funny. Somehow Art got a small hole in his shower curtian. For weeks Dexter was infatuated with this hole (maybe the light coming through it?), and attacked it. Finally he got his claws caught in it and ripped a huge gash in the curtain. Well, that turned into a HUGE new game for Dexter. He now sits in the bathtub, waiting for some unsuspecting person to walk near the tub, or put their head near the gash in the curtain so he can try to jump through the gash to get you. I took maybe 15 pictures trying to get one of Dexter 1/2 way through the gash at an attack attempt but to no avail. The attached picture is of him stalking through the curtain. Art agrees with Dexter, thinking it is a fabulous game.


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