Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

ZMC - Head size evident

Zachary's head falls into the 25th percentile for his age group. We don't think it looks that small for him, until we get him next to kids that are 'close' to his age. The attached picture is of Zach and his friend Jonathan David, who is about 5 weeks older than him. It's amazing how small Zach's head looks! We're quite happy about it though, b/c he has done all 'head' motor skills relatively early. In fact, JD (from the picture) has not yet rolled over, likely due to his head and shoulder size, whereas tiny-head-Zach rolled over weeks and weeks ago. :) It just proves how interesting the range of normal is.


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