Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

ZMC - Toothless no more!

**Addition: Attached picture of Zach's first tooth. Not a great picture, but at least you can see the white of the tooth. **

Zachary has a tooth if you can believe it! 4 months is not unheard of to get teeth (a friend's daughter got 2 at 4 months), but it's a little early I think. Not that it's any indication of his development or intellect - he's totally average as far as we're concerned! :) I noticed it on Monday, after dropping Staci off at the airport. I asked Art to stick his finger in Zach's mouth, certain he'd be shocked, instead I got "I felt that the other day but wasn't sure what it was". So all those people that said he was teething were right. In fact, I think he's getting his second tooth already. It's just very barely poking out, whereas the first tooth is quite visible. Art and I are hoping to hold him off of "solid" foods until we get settled in Germany. However, he does enjoy licking fruits quite a bit - Staci has a video of him licking a pineapple. Monday night though, he didn't lick the carrot like he normally does, he bit it, and we thought "that's it, no more food" since he seems to be pretty interested in eating! We'll mention it to the peditrician next week when he has his 4 month appointment (and shots).


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