Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Aunt Staci Visits Zachary

Zachary and I loved to have Aunt Staci here. It was great for me to have someone to hand Zach off to so I could get some work done! I also loved watching Staci make Zach laugh. I know she enjoyed spending so much one-on-one time with him. Art was gone w/ 9 other guys on a camping trip. The went to North NM, but had to turn back from where they wanted to go because there was 3" of snow on the ground, and still falling!! The went down about 3000 feet in elevation and ended up 'car camping' (instead of backpacking - hiking w/ all their gear to a campsite) which I found very funny. Art said the trip was great for everyone. It was perfect for Staci to come the weekend that Art was gone. We didn't do too much outside of the house, other than small errands and eating out for lunch, but it was still fun. What I found the funniest: Staci started borrowing my clothes, b/c of Zach's spit-up! In Staci's defense, she brought very little clothing and didn't want to have to keep washing clothes (whereas I don't change unless I get pooped on! :) ) Staci and I did get to watch 2 movies, one each night after Zach went to bed. Staci and I got plently of time of just us to chat and catch up, while Zach was napping. He napped more this weekend than he has in a very long time, could be the runny nose (cold?) he's had. We finally went and got him some infant decongestant, and that helped a lot. Aunt Staci could give Zach's Nana a run for the money with "rocking to sleep". Staci was an old pro. Zachary loved it, b/c he doesn't get such nice treatment anymore. His mean 'ole mom makes him go to sleep mostly on his own, with no holding - just some back patting. Now we're looking forward to Aunt Staci coming to visit in Germany!


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