Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, September 05, 2013

September Stuff - part 1

Sept 1
Haircuts and JC Penny photo shoots
watching a video on the portable DVD player while getting a hair cut

Boys handsome and waiting for their photo shoot (watching a video of course)

Yummy cherry tomatos from our garden.  Z with a fudge pop mouth

Cookie Z got during Sunday-Father-Son-Day

These guys needing a bath after fudge pops!

Sept 2
Picnic and hike
We got a seriously late start on today's outing.  So late that we really only had time for the picnic
By the time the picnic was over, it was way past Yannick's bedtime.  However, ZW were very disappointed about missing the hike, so I suggested Art take just the two of them while Nick and I went home to take naps.  They LOVED the special time with Art (and no rest time).  I loved the nap, as per usual! 

Zachary taking the picture

Wyatt taking the picture

Home for a fun game of Forbidden Island

Sept 3
Today I got out the not-often-used Thomas house and tunnel.  Yannick, being young, has very little memory of them, and thought they were great.

He loved it so much, he did not want to get out of it.  So, I suggested we put the Thomas house over his bed, and he could nap inside the house.  BRILLIANT!

Playing Uno after naptime while Z reads his Lego magazine

Sept 4
Enjoying the lovely weather by being outside
The morning spent on the swings

And on the scooters

The afternoon spent snuggling with Dexter and reading How To Train Your Dragon (to catch up to Zachary)

and back to the park with all 3 boys before dinner

Sept 5
I hate to pick on Art, but sometimes it is just necessary.  Art "honey, I made the bed for you", Shayna "oh, thanks, I appreciate it"  Then I go into the bedroom, and see his term is more liberal than mine
The comforter is indeed pulled up, mostly.  :)

Zachary got a small scratch on his head that he mentioned, but did not seem bothered by.  Then, moments later, he came up to tell me that his head was itchy. Turns out that little scratch was a gusher!
The amount of blood was both gross and a shock to us both!  It did not bother him at all until he saw this picture, then got very dramatic! 

Off to the produce market.  Wyatt and Yannick like to play in the Trader Joe's grocery carts that are stored outside.  Crazy kids
Climbing in and out of these carts is the best thing ever!

We still had time to go to a playground before kindergarden.  We picked one we had never been to: Serra Park.  Very cute.  The playground equipment is in the image of an old Tom Sawyer paddle boat.
A very cute playground.  We will have to come back bringing Art and Zachary

And if that was not enough for one day, Yannick and I went to toddler storytime at the library after dropping W off at kindergarden.

Prime location on the floor

Got the scarves out for a dance


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