Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, August 31, 2013

August small bits - Part 3

August 26
Model airplanes!  One of Yannick's favorite pastimes is going to Rancho San Antonio and watching the retirees engage in their hobby: flying model airplanes  

We were sitting in the trunk with the hatchback open, staying in the shade, watching the planes.  Yes, Nick has his jammies on still.

We got a jolting piece of mail today.  A letter from the new owners of our 1320 Seward house.  The letter was very sweet, but the return address was like a teeny tiny knife in the heart.
Our old address with the new owner name attached to it.  They paid enough for it, so it should be theirs, but still a bit of a shock.

Aug 27
Wyatt, Nick and another kid from kindergarden hanging out at the park before kindergarden starts.
Riding the dinosaur.  I love that Nick has no idea who this kid is, but he's going to grab him for stability!

Aug 30
Zachary was complaining about how long it takes to vacuum the house.  His complaining earned him a new chore!  
Getting the play room clean

Afterwards, he found he did not mind the new chore all that much!

Aug 30
Art made it home from work in time to join the boys in the pool.  Mom does NOT get in the little pool because the water is FREEZING!  Zachary does not last terribly long before he starts shivering.  However, with DaU there, he had longer staying power.

Yannick doesn't love it.  It is cold, and the big guys do a lot of splashing

Art doing a belly flop, as requested by ZW

The broken bucket makes an excellent shower!

Aug 31
Zachary wanting to eat breakfast in the high chair.  I am not sure how we got him in there!

Big day for Yannick - we are attempting to follow the potty-training-in-one-day book that worked so beautifully for Wyatt.  
Yannick is excited to be wearing Lightning McQueen underwear!

Art took ZW to a remote control race track to get them out of the house.  I had bought a Groupon weeks ago, thinking of this very day.

The potty training was a bust.  After 2 hours of pushing fluids and snacks, with nothing in the potty, I took a brief break to grab some more books, came back, and Yannick had peed on the floor.  It was nearly lunch time, so I gave up.  No harm done.  We will wait a few months and try again.  He was SO VERY bored in the bathroom with just me and no toys.

Later, after nap/rest time, more pool fun was to be had
Wyatt lasts the longest in the pool; able to stay in that cold water for hours really

All 3 enjoying the pool.  This time, I have gotten the flippers, snorkle and mask out.  Zachary outlasted Wyatt for once, just snorkling around and around the little pool.

Our lovely neighbors are moving this weekend.  The new owners are taking the keys.  So we used this time to collect all the oranges we could from their tree.  Some are sweet and some are tart, but the fresh squeezed OJ they makes is tremendous!


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