Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Park!

July 31, 2013

Given that our move to somewhere is emanate, I have felt a desire to try out all the parks around our house..all new to us.  Today's directions to us via a road called Newcastle, and the boys were obsessed with seeing a castle, even if it was a new one.  Sigh.

Today we went to a park, brought a picnic lunch, to the playground by Grant Park in Los Altos.  It was a good park.  There was a little school or community center there, so that meant 1) bathrooms on site - whoo hoo, and 2) camps.

Once the boys ate their food, they set out to explore the playground.  First stop, the sand box that had a rock waterfall that turned on for about 5 minutes every 20 minutes or so.  Just long enough to dry off after getting wet.

Wyatt and Yannick playing in the water that came out from under the top rocks.

Finally Zachary gets over his poutiness  at not wanting to come to the park (always wants to stay home of course), and comes to check out the waterfall in the sandbox.  BTW, I have finally learned to just keep the bucket of sand toys in the trunk in case wherever we go has a sand box.  I got tired of it always tipping over, so I bungee corded it into place.  Engineer represent!

Zachary and Wyatt digging deep into the sand after the waterfall stopped so they could find more water.  Which they did.  Well done boys.

We played around for a bit, and then the campers finally left which gave the boys much more room to explore around.

It was a good park, and we will probably go there again.


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