Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, June 07, 2013

Sick kids - ugghh!

Now that Nick is feeling much better, Wyatt is getting sick.  He had a sore in his mouth last night, but no bumps on his legs, feet, hands etc.  But he is grumpy.  This morning, Zachary complained of a belly ache, but he often does that before he has pooped for the day, so we did not think anything about it.  Until I got a call from Zachary's school.  He was not feeling well.  OH NO!  Poor Zachary.  Today was pajama day for his class, and they could bring in their favorite books for story time.  When I got to the school to pick him up, with a sick Wyatt, and a nearly well, but still a bit grumpy Yannick, Mrs. Kemp let me know that Zachary was lying down durning story time, and she asked him if he was ok, and he burst into tears.  Then she asked if anyone else at home was sick, and he said both Wyatt and Yannick, and burst into tears again.  Poor little guy.  I went in to the office to get him and he was super super pitiful.  Now here I am, back at home with three sick kids. Out of tylenol/advil etc.  Thank The Lord that our neighbor had some, so I did not have to pack 3 kids into the car and then into the store.  I nearly finished off her entire bottle between the three of them.

Add insult to injury, 3 sick kids means we had to postpone ZW birthday party for next weekend instead.  YIKES!!  The boys were all pretty sad about it!

Zachary went to sleep in our bed for several hours, ate dinner and went back to bed.  


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