Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Soccer at Stanford

Today we finally have to travel for Zachary's soccer team.  All his other games have been played at his elementary school, Stevens Creek, but the last game of the season, today, was played on the Stanford campus.  There is a team from Palo Alto, but there are not enough players to make more than 1.5 teams, so they have to join the Cupertino league.  They travel to us ever week, and now they get to stay at home.  I was hoping to get there a bit early so Art could drive around the Stanford campus a bit , since he has not been there yet.  Especially Palm Dr., which I think is so pretty!  However, Google maps did NOT do us right this time.  It got us close, but not enough.  Uggh.  We left plenty early to get there on time, and nearly did not make it.  The road it was on is blocked in the middle, so you cannot drive through it.  Once we finally figured it out, it was easy enough, but there was some definite tension in the car.  All of this lead to Art leaving the car keys in the ignition in his haste to get the boys out of the car and the ball bag out of the trunk.  I went around to lock all the doors, thinking Art had left it unlocked again, not knowing the keys were in the ignition.  YIKES!!  Turned out to be a very very minor deal - I could not even muster enough energy to be irritated at Art about it, despite my desire to be. :)  I called the number for our roadside assistance, and they had a guy there in less than 40 minutes.  It took him about 2 minutes to unlock the door and me to sign the paperwork.  I missed just moments of the uninspired soccer game.  Easy peasy.  Good thing we noticed before the game and not after it!  THEN, that might be annoying, to sit around and wait.

Z's team was much more interested in playing four square during half time than they were in playing soccer today.  Odd.  Maybe because it was their last game?  Maybe because they were not at "home"?  Maybe because they were using small goals instead of the traditional size.  

Here is Zachary playing though.
Zachary is number 3 in the orange jersey.  I think he looks just like Art on the field.  He carries himself in the same manner.  It is so interesting to me!

After the game, and some four square of course, and snacks, our little family of five decided to visit the Palo Alto Jr. Museum and Zoo.  The kids and I have all been there several times (ok, Zachary only once, but the other two several times), but Art has never been.


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