Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!

Today was a lovely day!!  Despite Art not wanting to get out of bed, he was finally dragged out by Zachary who said it was time to make the pancakes!  Yea Zachary.  However, before they got breakfast going, they could not resist giving me the presents they had made.  Zachary went first with a booklet he made at school and kept a secret from me!  I nearly cried when I saw the second page
His summary of his mom.  To translate the toughest part, he wrote that his mother's favorite food is "meat". :)  Not sure why - maybe because I make him eat it!  Everything else is pretty accurate and very sweet!  The booklet had a few other pages of things that were super cute.

Then they wanted to give their presents they had made with DaU the day before.  I knew they were working on things, but I did not know what.  Turns out they had created mad libs for me.  They each had written their own story, then I had to do the same story with my own fill-in-the-blanks.  It was all very cute.  Art said their stories were their own ideas, and he just asked for words to help keep them going.  Finally BREAKFAST!!  Art made pancakes, which the boys ate in bed with me, though no syrup   allowed in bed.
Zachary and Wyatt enjoying their chocolate chip pancakes.  Who needs syrup when you have chocolate chips?!
Mr messy turned into a chocolate hands and face monster that eventually got all over the place

I brought Art in later to see this and to ask, Baby Mama style, "poop or chocolate?"

After breakfast, the boys stayed in bed with me for awhile reading books and being silly.  Not much I love more than staying in bed and playing!  Finally got up to have coffee with Art and take a shower around 11am.  :)  Art prepared lunch and cleaned up the entire kitchen!  After lunch, I got a bit of reading and a nap in before church.  We had decided to pick up some Subway for dinner after church and run to Crate and Barrel for a Mother's Day trip...hoping to pick up some more white geometric shapes dessert plates.  I broke one of the ones I bought many many years ago.  Sadly, Crate and Barrel did not have anything similar to the plate I had broken. :(  We grabbed Subway (so I could come home to a perfectly clean kitchen that would stay that way until morning), changed clothes and went to our playground for a picnic.  Before they kids were allowed to change though, we took some pictures for Mother's Day
Wyatt has decided that he likes pictures better when he does not show teeth.  O.K.

Little Nick looks like he is up to no good - which is true.  he kept spitting on Zachary.  Sheesh

Probably the best picture of the 3 we have had in awhile
Humoring Mom and taking one more picture with me in it.
Somehow we eked out some great photos of the boys!!

They they were allowed to change clothes and head to the playground.  They all took their bikes too and spent some time riding around the community center, with Art and I standing at opposite corners so we could have an eye on them during their entire route.

Zachary made a new friend at the playground which is always nice to see!

Earlier, Nana sent me some flowers for Mother's Day.  Here they are before they opened.
They are going to be beautiful when they open!!

I had a splendid, relaxing, Mother's Day, thanks to my 4 guys!

Happy Mother's Day as well to my three Mothers!!  I love you all!


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