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Monday, May 13, 2013

Cleans Up Nicely

Our playroom is well organized....if i do say so myself.  Nearly every single item has a place where it belongs, and a clear place where it should go.  The boys all know where every item goes, and generally, there is no issue of putting it where it belongs.  Occasionally, things are not put into the large dump truck box well, and all the 'big' vehicles don't all fit, and sometimes, the train box gets overwhelmed and you have to reorganize it all to get it to fit inside.  But 85% of the time it all works just wonderfully.  People that come over always ask "it is always this neat and organized?".  My answer: a hearty laugh and an emphatic "No".

Here is what it looks like one Friday night after just 30 minutes of playtime after dinner, and of course no one cleaning up after themselves.  This is the natural state of our playroom, not the clean organized state I long for it to be.



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