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Friday, May 17, 2013

Finally getting moved in!

Tonight is Date Night for the Jantzen family.  So we have 6 kids running around our house after dinner. This of course seems like a GREAT time to start hanging pictures right?  YES!  All the kids are occupied with each other, and we have 30 good minutes before we need to start getting them ready for bed.  I am ready to put pictures on the walls, and Art is a bit of a slow-starter in this arena.  I know I have 6 months to get it done, and then all motivation will seep out of him and he will refuse.  Sigh.

So here we go... We made one wall off-limits to four square practice by hanging this in our foyer

It looks like orange paint, but I think it is more of a tan.  The lighting is just bad here.

This one was easy peasy.  Now to the next one with was my latest framing project - the big fram w/ the Mother's Day pics in them to be hung next to the old staples of the pics of the boys as babies of the same age (roughly).  Some arguing about this, some measuring, hammering, and here we are, in the dining area,

Not too bad for date night!  I did feel the wrath of Stephanie Watson coming down on me, as there was nothing to "anchor" these photos.  They are above nothing but the bare floor.  Eek. :)

Still, I was happy!

Then, several days later, and two trips to Michaels, we finally got these hung

anchored by the unseen couch!

Yea us!  Now I have one major picture project in mind and several minor ones.  Only 2 months left before I lose Art! :)


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