Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday Stuff

Today was an off day.  Neither Art nor I was feeling 100% on as a parent.  After Art worked in the front yard digging, and i showered, it was time to head to Zachary's soccer game.  It was one of the best games they have played.  All the kids were into it.  They were killing the other team and had to finally tell our team that no one could score except for Zach and another player who had yet to score.  Then another kid scored again, and, crazily, Art had to pull him from the game, amid pressure from the ref.  Eeek. :)

After nap time, the big boys wanted some screen time.  Z chose watching a video, W chose ipad, and Y just sat there with them, looking at a book (from the library - they were grateful we got them new books!!).

Then, as the kids were a bit snippy with each other, and Art and i were feeling lazy, we shepharded everyone outside to play at the playground.  Our little guy, who is getting so very good on his bike, decided to ride his bike to the playground.

He looks a bit sad here, but he is really trying to say cheese.

Of course being outside at the playground revived everyone, and even Art and I were back on our time for dinner and getting everyone to bed. They had their dessert, rocket pop popsicles outside so they could play with their neighbor buddy Aya, and watch the contractor dig to expose our pipes.  


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