Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Stretch!

There is a new game that the kids at Z's school play before school.  It is a take on the old favorite, rock/paper/scissors.  They have added a new component to the game since MY DAY.  They line their feet up, one behind the other, facing each other.  Whoever wins gets to put their front foot directly behind their back foot.  The loser must keep the front foot still and "stretch" the back foot to meet the winners front foot.  Lose too many times, and you end up in a big split.  Game is over when someone falls.  Boys and girls play this.  It is amazing how flexible some of these kids are.  The very short kids, like Zachary's buddy Pranai, have a distinct disadvantage.  Funny to watch tall Z and short P play the game before school.

Pranai is on the left, Zachary on the right, Yannick in the middle cheering.

Now the tables have turned and Zachary is losing...not out of the game yet, but very close.  You can use one hand to stabilize yourself, but a fall, or two hands means you're out.  

He was so into this game, that he started playing the exact moment he arrived at the line for his class - not even pausing to take off his backpack.

This game is easier on the ears than Four Square, but unfortunately it has not caught on at home, and Z continues to rain down on the house with his bounce-thump of four square practice.


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