Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 10, 2013


Zachary has had several playdates with his friend Aidan, and has had one playdate with his buddy Pranai.  He has wanted a playdate with Jeffrey for awhile now.  Jeffrey is not in Zachary's first grade class, but is in another first grade class.  However, they play Four Square (a MAJOR obsession at his school), during recesses.  We have heard a LOT about Jeffrey, mainly because he took Z under his wing and "trained" him at Four Square.  Z had never played until we moved here, and now he is no longer "in training" and is able to "cream" people all on his own.  Of course he practices ALL the time at home.  Jeffrey also rides the same bus home as Z, and they often sit together.

That is the back story.  Finally, I wrote a note to Jeffrey's parents, not even knowing his last name, gave the note to Z to give to Jeffrey to give to his parents.  I thought for sure the chain would get broken somewhere, but it did not and I heard back the next day.  Since we had not met each other, we arranged a quick meet and greet at our house on May 3rd, after the mom got off work.  She came over for about 30 minutes and the boys played.

After that, we arranged for Jeffery to get off the bus with Zachary the following  So the much anticipated playdate occurred!

Of course they wanted to play four square.  Zachary and I had talked about this in depth over this week...where they should play, etc.  I finally decided that I could move the car out of the garage and we could draw a court with sidewalk chalk.  So after they played outside a bit, an then played legos, it was time.  Jeffery is a nice boy.  One of the ways I gauge this is how he treated Z's little brothers.  I needed to move the car down to the street, and I asked Z to keep an eye on Yannick while I was gone.  Then I overhead Jeffrey say "Come on Yannick, stay here with us and play for a few minutes; it's ok, your Mommy will be right back"  Very sweet.  Then life was good for them...playing four square.

Here they are using the open space in the garage to play.

While those two played, Wyatt and Yannick played with sidewalk chalk.

Then, before you know it, Jeffery's mom was there to collect him for Tennis practice.  

Zach was very happy to have had his buddy over.


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