Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Counts5 at Palo Alto JMZ

Yea for Art - finally gets to go to the Jr. Museum and Zoo in Palo Alto!  Wyatt was very excited to show off all the things there.  Zachary had a bit of a slow start with a bad attitude about going, but came around finally (perhaps after I threatened him he had better not ruin this first trip for DaU, who was super excited).

We spent quite a bit of time in the museum, with both Wyatt and Yannick showing off their favorite stuff.
Dress-up is always a favorite.  Here, a praying mantis Z is attacking DaU.

Then, FINALLY, as Art thought, we went outside to the zoo part.
Amazing!!  The bobcats were not only awake, but active!  They even did a bit of wrestling!  I am so glad that Art got to see them awake; especially because they are so often asleep!

Turtles basking in the sun!

And back to see the bobcat!

And more of the bobcats!

We saw the bats, but not the turtle, nor the raccoons.  Not even sleeping!  They must have been inside.  Zachary was most excited to finally see the lizards in the solar desert area.  he was quite proud of himself that he found them.

We saw the peacock in the tree a few times, checked out the bunnies, the birds, the ferrets (asleep), the rats on the wheel, and even got a peek at the parrot hiding out in the curator's office.

Then off to the park where we had a picnic lunch.  Wyatt took so very long to eat his food heonly had   about 5 minutes to actually play on the playground, which was sad!  I hope he can speed up his eating speed before kindergarden.  Though Z was the same way until school cured him of his slow eating.


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