Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Sacked out!

Today was a big morning because two of the 3 boys had Dr. appointments. Z had one just for a Hep B shot. APPARENTLY he has been attending school these last year and a half illegally. Both his school in Evanston and the one here require 3 Hep B immunizations. Well, he has had three. It finally took a computer system of our new pediatrician to spit out the real deal. In Germany, they give all 3 shots BEFORE the child has turned 6 months. In the US, the 3rd shot has to be AFTER they are 6 months old. So, poor guy, had to get one now, at nearly 7 years. Oops.

Yannick had his 2yr appointment. He passed. :) He of course is doing just fine. A bit of a body type like Zachary - tall and thin. Not as thin as Z has historically been, but in the 25th percentile for weight, and 75th %tile for height. When I got home, I added his 2yr height to their combined growth chart and the little one is taller at the same age, than both of his brothers were. Also, he has dry skin, and she wants us to use lotion on him. ok.

After taking Z back to school - luckily he did not miss much of his walk-a-thon, we did a few little errands. I drove by Blackberry Farm, our local pool, to get a better feel for it, and if we might want to buy a summer pass. It just depressed me. Our Skokie Waterpark was SO GREAT. Blackberry farm is not even as good as inferior Devonshire (which i also loved, because of it's smallness, not in spite of). No zero entry. No fountain garden. No diving board. One slide, while cool looking, can't compete w/ Skokie's 3 slides - one w/ tubes! Sigh. Feeling down in the dumps today and missing our old Utopian life. Except for the weather here is a w e s o m e. Sorry Evanston, but seriously, your lack of Spring this year, and extended snow/winter is troubling.

I digress.....after a few errands we came home to get lunch. Wyatt was giving me a running commentary on his topic du jour (probably black jaguars - rare, and so cool) when we realized that we had neither seen nor heard Yannick in awhile. I sent Wyatt into his room to check on the little guy, and Wyatt comes back and says "ummm, mom, you're going to want to see this".

Here is the picture I took. Wyatt thought it was so funny that he wanted to take a picture as well. Here is his.

I said loudly "Yannick, time for lunch!", but he was totally gone. This was very early too. Around noon. We usually eat about 1230, and they nap at 130. He must have been exhausted from last night's date night. :) He went on to sleep 3 hours, and woke up to have his lunch around 3:30. Wyatt also fell asleep for a few hours, which generally only happens about once a week, so I got a great little break!


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