Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Apple Tree

There is a song by Brad Paisley called "Payback" that has a lyric that goes "he's gonna climb a tree too tall and ride his bike too fast....if he's anything like me". We accomplished the second step of that lyric with all the new bike riding, and now, Zachary is onto the first part. He has decided he'd like to be a tree climber. We have a smallish apple tree in our back yard, but it has good size branches big enough to support a big kid (unlike our fig tree which has tiny branches). Zachary has made it his mission to get up that tree. And get up he has

Here's Zachary up on the highest branch where he can sit "like a king"

Peeking through the leaves

He is quite proud of himself for this feat. He worked on it for several days this week, which was a nice change from the fwack thump of the "four square" ball which has owned his life for nearly our entire time here in CA.

Z is even more excited to learn that he is climbing an apple tree which mean he is designated as "highest apple picker" by Art. A title he relishes. Now if those apples will just grow already! :) We have not sprayed the blooms yet, which is bound to ensure that the apples will be full of bugs when they are picked...according to our neighbor.


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