Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday night

No pictures with this one. Just two items of importance:

1) The boys FINALLY got to show off their biking skills to Art! So proud they all were!! Art was very impressed at everyone's progress, and a bit floored by how much older Zachary looks on his bike. Such a big kid. And little Nick doing so well on his balance bike. Cannot stress a full year before his two big bros. He is also so funny. If he sees either big brother nearby, he rides his bike into the grass to get out of their way "Zachy coming; Bubba coming". FYI, N O the nickname Bubba is NOT sticking. We refuse. It can be a special name Yannick has for Wyatt only. Yet, we sometimes say it to Yannick to make sure he knows who we are talking about. He will say Wyatt every now and then, but prefers his original Bubba. S I G H!!

2) We met some neighbors! They have two boys each a year younger than z and w. I was faced with an interesting cultural difference for the second time here. The first was when, at the house of our Muslim neighbors, when all the men served themselves food first before women and children. So different. Then tonight as we were talking with the other neighbor, I held out my hand to shake it and he totally ignored it and shook Arts hand. Point noted. However he did let us know that many families meet at the playground every night around 7/730 so that might be a good way to meet the rest of our neighbors w kids. And there are a ton. Still, 730 is when I like to start the get ready for bed process. But I will send Art as least once. I have a feeling it is Dads only. But at least it is a start. Especially because I really feel The Lord is pushing me to reach out to people in my community/neighborhood instead of leaning on church friends.

Art and I had a glass of wine, watched our two favorite shows, Parks and Recreation, and Big Bang Theory, and went to bed early. Long week.
As a side note, I have already invited those boys over to my house. I talked to their nanny (who I thought was their grandmother), and asked if they would like to come over some day after school to play. Their oldest is in Kindergarten at Z's school, and they ride the bus home together. It should be a good match...boys near the same age, AND, they live two houses down. I guess now that I have met the dad, I can reach out to the nanny again.


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