Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Poppi visit - Monday

Today, sadly, I am still recovering from that store-brand Dramamine. I still feel a bit fuzzy, and "off". No big plans today, just some errands. We took Zachary to school, then off on some errands to prepare Dad for his visit to Zachary's class on Tuesday. Radio Shack, Cupertino Library (first time to this main branch - has a gorgeous aquarium, and a snotty librarian who clearly thinks I am an idiot) Home Depot, and McDonalds. We intended to just drive through for some salads for lunch, but the boys saw the play place or "pay pace" as Nick says, and we had to stop. We stayed so long there we ended up just having lunch there instead of going home.

Here are the boys in the car cart at Home Depot.

Then tonight was Zachary's pre-test for karate. He got to practice the skill for his test next week to see if he qualifies. Of course he did qualify because he practices all the time...when he is not practicing his four square that is! So I paid the $30 for him to test next week.


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