Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Sklar" Family Reunion - Day 3 - Relaxation

Today was a lazy day - sleep as long as you want, or really, as long as you can, with those two crazy boys running around.  It was MUCH too mosquito-y outside for them to go out for long, so we were all mostly "trapped" inside.

The glorious start to the day: breakfast!!  Pancakes, bacon, eggs, juice, grits...YUM YUM!  What a lovely start to the day.  *Someone* may have even had a chocolate chip cookie or two before breakfast (me!).

After recovering from the morning's gluttony, everyone but Staci (too sensitive to mosquitoes) left to try and find the elusive lake (from the website, I thought this house was right on the lake, as in you could see it).  Very confusing.  We finally, after sending Joy to drive around a bit, and Dad down the wrong driveway, found the correct "path" that was to lead to the lake.  The so-called "path" was leading into the woods to who knows where.  Dad & Creed ventured into the woods along the path.  Zach got very anxious to go too, so he and Art followed after a bit.  After a good long while, whilst Wyatt, MeMa and I were baking in the HOT sun, the foursome came back, declaring it a no go.  They never found the lake, and turned back because the mosquitoes were so very bad.  Zachary was terribly sad to not get to go swimming!   Check out this link for the rental home and tell me if the pictures are not misleading!  It looks like the "natural boat landing" is right out the back door, yet we never EVEN FOUND IT!  HRUUMPH!

By then it was lunch time, and Wii time!!  We finally broke out the Wii Guitar Hero, Monster Truck (Zach could not get enough playing with this!), and Wii Sports.  Fun had by all.  Kids off for another massive nap!  Adults took advantage of this time to play Apples to Apples.

Family pictured here minus Joy (the photographer)

Dad went off to exercise near Walmart again (this time Faye going with him), while we all destroyed most of the songs on guitar hero. Also, there was a nest of baby birds right outside the window.  They chirped and chirped and begged for food a long time before their mom & dad came back w/ some food for them.  They were so so cute, and quite helpless.  So fun to watch through the window, in the comfort of AC!  Dinner was lovely with leftovers from last night, plus honey baked ham leftovers, and a salad that didn't get touched the night before.  Plus all you could eat chips, salsa, cookies, mint brownies (thank you Mrs. Barbara!), etc etc.  After dinner the boys got a bath - in their own tubs again - mainly to get rid of all the bug spray.  Here they are after baths, and getting ready for bed. 

I believe Wyatt is reading to Zachary

After the boys went to bed, the adults convened in the living room for some serious Wii competition.  And People Magazine reading - there were about 6 floating around to be shared btwn all the ladies.  And puzzling.  Faye brought a Coca Cola puzzle this time, and the puzzlers were starting to get to the hard parts.  Zachary had even helped out - found pieces himself and put them in the right places!  Amazing!

I was starting to get a cold and was pretty tired, so I went to bed.  This is when we discovered that there was no insulation in this cabin.  I could hear conversations from downstairs through the cracks in the floor.  I could also see through the log walls, in the cracks, into Staci and Creed's room.  Very odd.  I had a conversation, using a normal voice, with Joy in the living room while I was in bed upstairs!  Also, I had to go to bed because I think I hurt something playing Wii Tennis against Staci (who's avatar kept diving for the ball and missing!  so fun!!)



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