Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

AWANA Graduation

Zachary's first Graduation! AWANA is over for the summer. Tonight was Awards Night, or as another mom put it "another chance for bad hotdogs and cheap sheet cake"...but who am I to judge free "food"?

All the Cubbies (3 and 4yr olds) went on the stage at once to be presented their awards. Zachary was very pumped about getting to go up there. His younger friend Kale (who'll be a Cubbie next year) started crying when Z went up there, b/c he couldn't go too. :( The Cubbies sang 2 songs: the Cubbie theme song, and Jesus Loves Me. An amusing aside: I overheard a little girl about 6yrs old telling a 5yr old girl "Have you ever seen anything so cute as a bunch of 3 and 4yr olds singing Jesus Loves Me?" as though she is so very old! Funny!

Cubbies class - Zachary is on left with his finger in his mouth (of course!)

Everyone clapping for the Cubbies

Zach getting his award of completion from volunteer Mr. Curtis - Zach is so proud

AWANA is such a great program, Zach loved it.  I think the Cubbies learned a total of 31 bible verses for the year. Zach still knows almost all of them if you prompt him with the first word or two.  My favorite:  Obey your mother and father in the Lord.  :)  Zachary will be a Cubbie again next year, with a new set of 31 or so verses, then onto Sparks, where he has to also memorize the bible reference, not just the verse.

As a side note:  The evening was a bit marred when Wyatt got the business end of a frisbee in the mouth and proceeded to bleed and scream.  Art took him into the hallway and all was better after about 2 minutes.  He then went back to playing basketball - throwing a ball at a full sized hoop and yelling "almost!",  when he was a good 8 feet away.

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