Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 21, 2010

"Sklar" Family Reunion - Day 2 - Birthday Dinner

We are celebrating 4 birthdays tonight: Creed, Joy, Zachary, Wyatt.  Everyone is responsible for some different part of the dinner, to help everything go smoothly. 

Art, Creed, and Wyatt head up the cooking (Zach would have helped, but he was taking a massive nap!)
Art and Creed gettin' busy with the grill

I didn't see it, but Joy (who took all these pics) said that Wyatt wanted to help out so badly, so they got him his own tongs, and he was "grilling" rocks off to the side.

Wyatt showing off his grilling skills

Wyatt and Aunt Joy waiting patiently for dinner!

After dinner, I gave the boys a bath while dinner was cleaned up.  The boys LOVED bath time, because they each got their OWN BATH (the house had 3 tubs).  Each also had an adult to supervise/participate in playtime after they were bathed.  I thought they might prefer being in the same bath, but I guess every now and then they prefer their own space.

After dinner was cleaned up, and the boys were cleaned up...PARTY TIME!

Family birthday party minus Staci (the photog)

Zach and Wy taking turns blowing out the cake

"Real" set of tools - thank you Aunt Staci and Uncle Creed

Transformer present - thank you MeMa!

Spiderman on ATV toy - thank you MeMa!

Wyatt getting some help opening present - can see his basketball jammies under the box - thank you Aunt Staci and Uncle Creed


A few minutes of playing for the boys after dinner, then they were off to bed.  Here's a fun creation of Zachary & Poppi's:

They connected several sets of tracks (Walmart) to make a very long car ramp.  Can see the box of cars in the bottom of the picture.

After the boys were in bed, we all watched a movie that Art and I had already seen twice, but still enjoyed:  Baby Mamma with Tina Fey and Amy Pohler.  Cute!  Then BED!  Tomorrow is church. 



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