Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sleepy Boy!

This was a big surprise. Generally, by the time I'm getting lunch ready, anywhere btwn 12-12:40 if it's late, Wyatt is sleepy and begging to go to bed. He'd love to take a nap around 11:30 if he could. He usually grabs his blankey and paci out of his bed and brings it into the kitchen and says "go bed. I tired". Mean mommy that I am, I make him eat lunch before going to bed. Sometimes, lunch rejuvinates him and he plays for a bit afterwards, and sometimes he asks to go straight to bed. Today, he brought his paci and blankey into the kitchen and went through his normal routine. I told him to please go put it back in his bed, because we were going to have lunch. He left. I assumed it was to go watch the rest of the Backyardigans video with Zach (he usu gets to watch 1 video a day - while I'm fixing lunch). I called the boys in for lunch, and only Zachary showed up. I asked him to go tell his brother that it was lunchtime. Then I heard Zach calling "Wyatt, lunch, Wyatt, where are you?" I thought - uh oh. We found him in the office:

Wyatt curled up with blankey, khaki, and paci, asleep on the hardwood floor

Close-up of the sleeping boy

I scooped him up and put him into bed.  He woke up, and I asked him if he wanted lunch or bed.  He said bed.  That day, he ate lunch at 3:45.

Pitiful boy!



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