Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Boy's Best Friend??

Who coined the term "a boy and his dog" when describing a loyal, sweet, fun friendship? What about a boy and his frog, or a boy and his horse...OR how about a boy and his CAT??

Wyatt currently is Dexter's biggest fan in our family. He likes to pet him (badly), and be near him. Here are some pics to show their proximity.
A Boy and His Cat

Feb: Wyatt wakes in morning to find his bed occupied

March: Wyatt petting Dexter while Dex sleeps and Wyatt watches basketball - the only thing to hold his attention on the tv for more than 3 minutes.

April: Wyatt and Dexter both napping

April: Close-up of napping boys



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