Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Post-Graduation Picnic

After Zachary's Ladybug Graduation party, the boys and I were hoping to have a picnic w/ DaU, but he had a meeting at 1pm that he couldn't miss, so it became just the 3 of us. We chose the playground across the street from our church. Fun time. These are the memories that I try to burn into my heart. Such sweet moments.

Wyatt on the playground b/f lunch

Zachary in the "lazyboy swing"

Just chillin in the swing

Picnic time!

We played soccer for a bit, ate lunch, then had a bit of wrestle mania which was unexpected but fun.  A good day!



Anonymous Meg said...

How cute, Shayna! Zach's hair has really gotten longer. Both of your boys are just too sweet.
Are you and Art watching the World Cup? :P

3:50 PM  

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