Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Congratulations Graduate!

YMCA Part-Day Preschool Tuesday/Thursday Ladybug Class Graduation
Cute Cute Cute.

Zachary and 4 other kids in his class attend preschool on Tue/Thur only, so they had their graduation celebration on their last day of school, Thursday May 29th. The rest of the class would have their celebration the next day, Friday, followed by a class picnic (which the T/Th Ladybugs were invited to).

Their teacher, Ms. Lindsey, made them cutie grad hats, and Melissa, fellow room parent, made the YUM cake (she owns a business). It was all so cute, and so fun. As a bonus, being a room parent, I got serious swag: a bouquet of flowers and a foot pampering basket. Sweet!

Back to the kids
Graduate Zach sitting on the floor awaiting directions

TTH Grads: Maseo, Zachary, Maguire, David M., David C.

Ladybugs Grads

Zach and Maseo waiting for CAKE

Wyatt joining the party: self-invited

Zach and one of his fav classmates: Clara

Much anticipated and SO YUMMY cake!

Finally eating!  Wyatt got bumped out of his chair by Harrison, and grabbed another chair and dragged it over.

Check out those CUTE CUTE Ladybug graduation hats!

Zach getting his graduation certificate and goodie bag

Such a fun celebration.  I'm so glad that his wonderful teachers put this together!  Zach is talking of nothing but being a Butterfly (4 & 5 yr old class) next year.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that we'll get enough of a scholarship to send him.



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