Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bedroom Fun

Wyatt's new thing is that he does not want to be pulled out of his travel crib after his nap (he sleeps in his real crib at night, but in the travel one for afternoon nap so he and Zach are not in the same room) after awaking. He wants to stay in bed and "read" his books. This does not necessarily mean that I have to read them to him; he generally prefers to look at them on his own. His favorite is for me to open each of his books to the pages w/ pictures of cats on them. Loves cats. Loves Dexter.

Here he is reading. Notice how he gets mad because that pesky leg keeps getting in the way!

Then Zach wakes from his nap and comes to join us. More shenanigans ensue.

Here we are playing peek-a-boo with Wyatt, though Zach is more interested in jumping on the bed than playing.

Here is Zach using the bed as a diving board. His greatest goal at the moment is to be able to go off the diving board. Everything is being turned into a diving board.



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