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Saturday, August 15, 2009


I am SOOOOOOOOO going to get killed for this post, but I can't resist.

Here are Dad and Creed comparing their Blackberrys. Creed had just gotten a new one and is showing the new features to Dad. So so funny, I had to take a picture. They used to do they same thing when they each had HPs. I'm so glad Staci married Creed, so poor Dad says someone to geek with. Gadget-ignoramus Art can barely turn on his $20 cell phone.

NOW FOR THE DISCLAIMER. I cannot make fun of Creed too too much, b/c he graciously gave me his old Blackberry to use as a PDA (my Palm and I were at WAR). Now I'm on it all the time...not as a phone/email/internet/text gadget, but mainly for the calendar, task list, and sweet sweet grid wizard - it's like have Excel in my tiny little hand. I've had to refrain from inventing things just to make a spreadsheet about! So Thank You Creed!



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