Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, June 04, 2009

June 4, 2009: Happy Birthday Wyatt Carsten Counts

Happy 1st Birthday Wybaby!

Glitter ball: By far, Wyatt's favorite birthday gift. With a close second being a musical helicopter that has 4 balls.

Wyatt got a few presents earlier from Nana, but the rest were opened on his actual birthday. It was nice that Wyatt's birthday is just 4 days after Zach's b/c Zachary has not yet forgotten that he JUST got a bunch of presents that he go to opens. So there was not much whining or complaining about presents. Some yes.

Wyatt's birthday morning started much the same as Zachary's - with balloons being dumped on him in bed.

He was not as thrilled with this as Zachary was.

Here are Zach and Wyatt playing in the crib with the balloons.

More playing with balloons

Then off to breakfast with some present opening!

Zachary "helping" Wyatt open his presents.

Wyatt very carefully opening his present.
After Art went to work and Wyatt took a nap, we took off for the library. Today was Wyatt's first day at "Book Babies", a storytime for kids 1yr - 18mon. He has been to Zach's storytime many many times, but never really got into it. Today however, he was very happy with everything. He paid attention to the stories, he stood up and did the dancing and clapping and such. Full participation. Must be his advanced age. :)

During dinner, Wyatt got his birthday cake.
Here is the presentation

Wyatt apparently has no fear of fire. Must remedy this.

And the consumption

Like a dummy, I did not make sure my camera battery was charged. Nor was I responsible and have the spare battery fully charged. Sadly, this was the last bit of Wyatt's birthday recorded.

We enjoyed Wyatt's first birthday. Zachary enjoyed saying "Wyatt is now 1" over and over.



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