Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 29, 2009

May Pictures

So far behind (still working on April) that I decided to just post some random pictures from May. The birthday pictures will be separate, as will pics of Nana's visit.

May 1 - Zach 'playing' Axis & Allies, Art's fav board game

May 2 - Wy sitting in his Longhorns t-shirt that is *just about* too small.

May 3 - Zach looking cool in the sunglasses Joanna Trees gave him for his 2nd bday. He's refused to wear them for almost a year then BAM! (as Zach, and Emmril would say) he won't take them off.

May 20 - Wyatt caught in the act of checking himself out. He loves to look at himself in the mirror - not a much as Zach loves the mirror, but a good deal of narcissism.

May 24 - Zach and Wyatt playing our Dutch game Sjoelbak. Art and Zach have gotten it out over the past few days to play, and today Wy wanted to get in on the action. You'll notice that Wyatt has a stone in his mouth - not really the best strategy for winning, but who knows!

May 26 & 27 - Zach's completed game of "Parking Lot" He loves to play this game and does almost daily. Each car gets driven to the appropriate place. Often there is a Parking Lot Police who directs cars where to park. Some days we park them by color, some by type, some random. While he DOES have a ton of these hotwheels cars, he plays with them every single day. He says "Yets pay cars!" or, "time to pay, Pay, PAY".

May 28 - This look comes right before "Mommy, you ready?", which is code for I'm going to throw this at you. This is "Bob Ball" which is a Bob der Baumeister (German for Builder) ball we brought back w/ us. By far his most consistent fav of the balls.

May 29 - Wyatt dancing to a musical card that Zachary got for his birthday.



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