Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Hanging with Nana

Nana came to visit the boys (not us of course!) from May 29th - June 2nd. She wanted to be here for both boys' birthdays, but did not have the vacation time. She was here for Zach's 3rd bday, and we celebrated Wyatt's 1st birthday a little early for her.

Nana arrived on May 29th...with much fanfare. Her flight left ATL on time, flew for over an hour, then turned around and went back to ATL. They were nearly to CHI when they experienced plane trouble. No problem. Zach, Wyatt, and I picked Nana up from Midway. Zachary, the great welcome committee, ran up to Nana as she was coming down the escalator.

Things we did with Nana:

The boys both eating breakfast - feeding themselves.

Clapping game at lunch time

Wyatt and Zach playing a crazy throw-the-head back game.

Here is the video of that crazy game.

Zachary and Nana playing parking lot
Zach has no pants b/c it is easier for him to use the potty by himself if he does not have to deal with pants in the way. Baby steps.

Nana and Zach watching the panda video that Zachary got for his birthday (from Nana). Came with a stuffed panda bear as well which he loves.

Wyatt watching with Nana and Zach for a bit.

Zachary helping Wyatt open his birthday presents.

Birthday party hats for Zachary and George. I had to look up on the internet how to make hats - it has been a LONG time since I've done that.

Nana also got to participate in several other things that can be found on Zachary's birthday blog post: going to the hospital to give "new babies" Zach's pacis, going to Chuck E. Cheese. She was also there when Zach started riding his bike at the playground.

Lots of fun with Nana and the boys!


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