Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Zachary Michael Counts

Our baby isn't a baby anymore. He's a big boy. Today he turns 3.

The day starts as he 2nd birthday started:

Zach loves balloons. We did this for his 2nd bday and it was a big hit.

Here Zach is telling us about his special day, then singing to himself. I like that he asks me to take a video of it.

Then off for breakfast. Zach's favorite breakfast food: oatmeal.

Here is breakfast. The table is decorated, as is Zach's chair. Very festive.

Then of course presents need to be opened.

Here is his first present of the day. A sidewalk chalk gift from Aunt Juicenana. The monkey makes noise while you color.

Zach showing off some of his presents: Cars "owie coldpack", panda bear w/ video, drumsticks, Thomas shirt, cars...

Then we are off to church where Zach was wished Happy Birthday by several people.

Back home for lunch and birthday cake...or tart. Zach loves tart. Much more than cake. He got a big one just for himself and the rest of us got mini tarts.

A bit of technical issues getting the candle to stay lit, but the people at the table were entertained by listening to Zach sing to himself.

Even Wyatt is happy on Zachary's birthday!

Off to bed for a nap. An important nap. The last time Zach will get to use his pacifier. He's 3 today and has to give up his beloved paci. See the separate blog entry about the paci.

After the nap, it's off to the hospital to give the pacis away (see Paci post).

After hospital we head to Chuck E. Cheese for Zachary's birthday dinner. Just the family: Mom, DaU, Wyatt, Zachary, and Nana. Zachary LOVED it, and Wyatt was fairly amused. We stayed until it was past their bedtime, and STILL have a ton of tokens left over.
The shenanigans:

Here we all are at dinner - pizza and salad.

Zachary playing a soccer kicking game.

Zach loved this basketball game. Must have played it 8 times or so.

Wyatt not enjoying his ride on the horse.

One thing of note that happened was that Zach was finally big enough to go up into the playland area. The one and Chuck E. Cheese is similar to all the McDonald Playland ones, and he has not been big enough to climb up them. Now that he's 3, he can do it! We've noticed a lot of physical changes like this in the past week or two. Things he could not do at 2, even a month ago, but now can. Like climb the rope ladder to get to the top of the playground equipment. Ever increasingly difficult "jumps". Things like that. So interesting. Many toys say for 3 and up, and I always thought it was a bit of a crock, that perhaps a kid of 2.5 could do it, but I have seen with Zachary that there is a big jump in physical development between 2.5 yrs (and even 2 years 8 months) and 3. He is such a big kid now.

Off to home and the first night without a paci. NOT a good night. Lots of me holding him and singing to him, etc. Better than I thought, but still not good. Crying for his paci and wanting to go back to the hospital to get it. 15 minutes of this I think, and he went to sleep. Fingers crossed!!



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