Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Zachary the musician

Zachary loves the drums. He has for some time now. He drums with everything - things that make sense like chopsticks when we eat at Zoba's to the crazy things like coat hangers. Wooden spoons and forks are a favorite, as are the foam borders to the letters in the playroom "carpet".

No, we did NOT get him a drum or a drumset for his birthday - nor do I hope anyone else gets him one. We DID however get him a set of drumsticks. "Real" drumsticks. Ones "real drummers" use. According to Zachary. Now he can be just like the drummer at church. He is very excited about them, and has been breaking them in on various things. We've got to get him a mouse pad to use as a drum practice pad. For now, he has Dexter's sleeping box.

All professional drummers wear footie pjs right?


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