Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23rd: The Boys Graduate

Today (and a bit yesterday) was a very big day for our boys. They have both graduated to "the next thing". Last week on Wednesday, the boys and I went to look at and buy a toddler high-back car seat that we found on It was in good condition so we bought it ($25) and Zach talked of nothing but his new big boy seat. I didn't put it in the car until today though, b/c today I also switched out Wyatt from his infant carrier (long past due) into Zach's now old seat. Wyatt is much much happier facing forward. We have also taken away his "car paci" with this big change. Trying to wean him a bit at a time from the evil pacifier. Zachary loses his car and his bed paci, cold turkey, on his birthday. Life will be very different we think.


Yesterday Zach's early-birthday present arrived - his blue bicycle. I feel slightly guilty b/c I know that Zachary would prefer a RED bicycle (red is always the fav), but for some reason, the red ones were about $8 more expensive. Only the blue, orange, pink (he did pick out the pink one once I have him and option of the sale bikes, but I had to nix that), or black. Boo. We got it off of Amazon through the 3rd party Fat Brain Toys. I really like the name of that company - it sells educational toys primarily. I digress. Zach LOVED his bike. He got the hang of it very quickly. Tomorrow we are off to the thrift store to purchase a helmet. I called and the lady said she has a pink one and a blue one, so fingers crossed they are still there!

Zach riding his bike at the playground.

Here is Zach riding on the sidewalk - getting better and picking up speed!



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