Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

5-31-09: A 3-yr-old Says Goodbye to an Old Friend

Today is special for a reason other than Zachary's 3rd birthday. Today is also the day that Zach is giving up his "car paci" and "bed paci". We have talked and talked and talked about this day for months. It is a very big deal. Zach's pacifier is his lovey. He has never attached himself to any stuffed animal or blankey or anything else. Unfortunately for us all, today the pacifiers go away. We have no idea how Zach will fall asleep without it.

Here's the big plan: He is going to visit the maternity ward at the hospital and "give his pacis to the new babies". This is because babies need pacis, and big boys do not.

After Zach's nap, and last time w/ "bed paci", we put the paci in a ziploc bag, load into the car and head to the hospital...all of us: Shayna, Art, Zach, Wy, and Nana. Once in the car, Zach does not even ask for his car paci, and puts it nicely into the bag. Since it is a Sunday, and the offices are closed, we have to go in through the emergency room and make our way up to the maternity floor. We are hoping that there is a nursery available for Zach to be able to see some of the new babies. It takes forever to get into the right place, and I'm just about to give up when we are finally buzzed in (security is VERY tight - they would be appalled at Germany's systems). We explain the situation and ask if there is a viewing area. Only a small window into the NICU (appropriate since both boys spent time there). Lucky for us (but not some family), there is a baby in the bed nearest the window, so Zach can see it. Now's the time to give up the bag.

Here is Zach, ready and somewhat eager to leave his bag for the new babies. They are sad and will be very happy once they get his pacis.

Now we are back in the hall where we give Zach his present. He has known all along that he will get a Curious George doll when he gives his pacis to the new babies. Unfortunately, he has also told us that he will "put the George in his mouth like a paci". We shall see.

I fear that Zachary will come to hate George b/c of the association of losing his beloved pacis.



Blogger Monica Battaile said...

What a fabulous idea!!! I am wondering how we will approach this with Peter, who has panic attacks if his paci is not attached to his person. I can wait another year...

11:10 PM  

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